How do I set up a jump host?
Use case fro Jump host
A jump host is usually a host that has an sshd running and allows users to connect, and also allows ssh connections from the device.
(insert nice diagram here)
In the IPv4 scenario, the router has made a port forward from its outside interface on port 22 to port 22 on the interface of the jumphost.
In the IPv6 scenario, the router will be configured to block all connections, except the one going to the sshd on the jump host.
This way only one devices services are exposed to the internet.
This is very convinient, and work very well with key based ssh login.
Variables used:
Variables used in the example:
- router_ext_ip:
- router_ssh_port: 22
- jumphost_ip:
- jumphost_ssh_port: 22
- jumphost_user: jumper
- internal_ip:
- internal_user: myuser
Setup a jump host
The process
Create a default Debian/jessie installation with the hostname “jumphost”
This has the ssh service installed by default
(we need a guide for this)
As root on jumphost, run
adduser jumper
and set a passwordThis creates the user we will use for jumping.
Create a port forward on the router from the routers outside interface on port 22 to the jump host interface on port 22.
(we need a guide for this)
Test #1
As a common user on an external machine, run
ssh -p 22 jumper@
This will log onot the jump host
ssh myuser@
This will connect you from the jumphost to the internal device
Test #2
As a common user on an external machine, run
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -p 22 jumper@" myuser@
This will connect you to the internal through the jumphost - all in one line
Test #3 - using openssh version >= 7.2
As a common user on an external machine, run
ssh -J jumper@ myuser@
This will connect you to the internal through the jumphost - all in one line
In this example we have very limited security. Please check further reading links for more info.
Further reading
(some links here would be nice as weel as suggested other guides)
- Passwordless login using keys
- ssh config files
- Jump host cookbooks