Warning: This page has beta status

Use case

Most guides about relevant issues are unwritten, so in order to expand the guides, your input is appreciated.

There are many possibilities for guides, but the main thing is that you write something that help the next student do something.

To add a guide

  1. Decide on a topic and a good How do I ...? questions

  2. Fork the itt-guides repository on github

    (insert link to guide about how to do that)

  3. Clone the project locally

    (insert link to guide about how to do that)

  4. Copy the template file from resources/guide-template.mdto docs/_posts and name it <date>-<question>.md

  5. Fill it out with proper descriptions, step-by-step instructions, diagrams, links and whatever else you find to be relevant.

    Remeber to do a commit at every major step.

  6. Have someone test it

    This is an important step, since you (of course) think you ahve been specific and clear in your instructions - and, in reality, you have a lot of implied knowledge, setup and concepts relevant for the guide.

  7. Push your changed to your repository

  8. Create a pull request

    This will send a message to the “owner” of itt-guides, that there are suggested updates from you.

    Sometime, follwing a discussion, a pull requeste will be rejected with comments about how to improve it. In that case go back to 5) and revise.

  9. Lean back and feel awesome for contributing.





Further reading
