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Use case

When yo ustart using git repositories and put your code for everyone to see, you don’t want to include passwords, API keys and other information.

So hardcoding it in the code is no-go, then what…

Use config files.

Use the template


You may find a gist here to help you.

  1. Create a config file in yaml format
  2. Copy read_config(..) to your project
  3. Add a config = read_config(config_filename) in main
  4. Use config as a normal dictionary


  • add the config filename to .gitignore in the directory

    This will prevent it from being included in the git repo.


Here is a gist with an example.

  1. Create a config file using bash syntax.
  2. Copy the CONFIGand Source $CONFIG lines to your project.
  3. Reference the variable you need from the config file.

Further reading

see text above for links.